General Meeting, January 28, 1995

In attendance:
Devon McClain, Jonathon Little, Julius Su, Brian Bircumshaw, Steven Van Hooser, Ross Brown, Cherish Bauer, Fay Peng, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Donna (photographer), Srinivas T.

Deadline for pictures for the Big T: Feb. 24th (the 25th, maybe?)

First order of business: take pictures, one goofy pose, one serious.

Second: Elections: Everyone gets elected, that was tough! :)

Third: Space 101. Cherish Explains everything for those who are not familiar. We mostly discuss where we need people to volunteer.

Scott suggests that we ask Caltech SEDS for people
Ross will ask Brad Dooley for people ASAP
Cherish is doing fundraising
Steve talks to people in AZ bout memory on the server
Scott suggests that we get as much done now, before the day
Jonathon suggests that we have the Web session have other Web sites as well, and stuff. Cherish needs to call Jeff about who at MIT is doing the Web stuff.
Jonathon cautions against unforseen circumstances.

Space 101 meeting: Wednesday before the event 5:00 TFM caters?

Bylaws: pass (unanimous pretty much)

We discuss the traveling circus. Brian-suggests an Internet presentation. Scott says to bring them in to Tech here. Trav. Circus: Scott, Devon, Jonathon. Trav Circus: Rocket videos, rocket people. NASA has pre-done educational packets. Discovery mission stuff, Hazbot (!) :)

Meeting adjourned at 4:30pm, folk stay afterwards.

What we need: HTML programmers

Ross emails Chuck Pooly bout rocket test firing. talks to Fay.