Space 101 Meeting - Minutes 11/5/94

Space 101 Planning Meeting 11/05/94 at 5:30 p.m. SAC 15 Clubroom B

Summary of Meeting

John Wright spoke a little on the history of Space 101. It was started about two years ago as a follow up to CalSEDS '91 and CalSEDS '93 (regional conferences). The current members of CalSEDS wanted to start a conference for high school students which a lso had a focus on space-related curriculum development. The conference was supposed to happen last year, but under the former leadership, it fell through.

Currently we are planning on having the conference on February 25, 1995. This can be changed if the SAT or something else is happening on that day.

Next we decided on a theme. There were suggestions of Comets, Asteroids and Meteors; Lunar Base; Mission to ; and Development and Mining. The Lunar Base idea seemed the most interesting, but we were much better prepared for Comets, Asteroids and Meteors. It was suggested that the topic be Inhabiting and/or Mining Comets, Asteriods and Meteors.

The next topic was the breakdown of the workload. There are four groups: Curriculum Development, Organization (Logistics), Publicity, and Computers. After discussion, breakdown of the tasks for each group was decided and is as follows:

Curriculum Development

Organization - Cherish Bauer

Publicity - Cherish Bauer

Computers - Cherish Bauer

It was determined that there should be another meeting on 11/19/94 at 3:00 p.m. in SAC 15, Clubroom B. We would like to have an advisory board together before then. It should consist of about 15 people. Publicity is in charge of recruiting teachers.

Finally, the number of kids for the conference was decided on. There is to be a minimum of 60 high schoolers and a maximum of 150. We will charge a small fee (maybe $10), but it can be waived for those in need. Finally, it was also noted that this is not strictly for public school kids, but private, pariochial and home schoolers would be given the opportunity to come, as well.

To get involved in this conference, email If you are interested in a particular area, email the following:

Space Technology curriculum development -

Space Policy curriculum development, Space Science liaison to MIT -

Organization, Publicity, or Computers -