Space 101 Meeting - Minutes 11/5/94

Space 101 Planning Meeting at 3:00 p.m. in SAC 15 Clubroom B

Ross Brown
Cherish Bauer
Lori Hsu
Jason Barnes
Douglas Zare
Brian Barris
Joe Trela
Mike Elgersme

Cherish mentioned she had had no responses from teachers interested in being on the Space 101 advisory board. However, she would keep looking.

First discussed were ideas about what Technology would discuss. We came up with a list consisting of Colonization, Getting to the "Planetoid" (as in type of spacecraft), and Industry (how would we make money there?). We worked on a list of what we could discuss on the topic of "getting there" and came up with a list of about 10 topics.

Discussion ensued about whether the format (1 hr. lecture, 1 hr. activity) would fit our needs. We also determined that the activity was the first thing that had to be decided on since that would be the focus of the lecture.

Ideas for activities included building cardboard or clay models of space colonies, how to deal with an emergency in a colony, a text adventure (almost role playing) type activity, a "pencil and paper" space mission with the same idea as the game Oregon Trail (if you can remember back to grade school....), and a study of the type of environment necessary for a colony to survive. We decided on the pencil and paper mission would be the easiest and most fun for the students and us.

Next the question came up of whether to make it a competition or a free mission. There were ideas of awards or certificates, but there was fear that we would need to establish a criteria for judging the "missions" and would thus stifle creativity. If there are awards, ideas for possible awards are Best Economic Return, Best Policy Consideration, Best Science Return and Most Overpopulation Relief.

Next we returned to the question of the time format. If we stayed with the present format, (with 2 hours for technology), then there were the following options: 30 min. talk --> 1 hr. activity --> 30 min. presentation of results 1 hr. talk --> 1 hr. activity 2 separate 30 min. talk --> 30 min. activity

We also discussed doing all three presentations in the morning and having the students work on their projects in the afternoon. Then, after supper, we could have them mkae presentations on their results.

We decided that the 30 --> 1 hr. activity --> 30 min. presentation of results would be the best format for the pencil and paper mission. Ross said he would draft a "lecture" and a list of considerations for a mission. Then, he would make a presentation on acouple of "guinea pigs" and have them try a mission. This would give us a better sense of how much time people will spend on activities and what is vital for the lecture.

Finally we discussed logistics. We determined that Baxter Lecture Hall would be a good place for Technology since they will need smaller classrooms for the activity. Since we plan on having a panel for the policy, the Salvatori Room will probably be the policy room. Science would probably do well in either 201 Bridge or 22 Gates.

Ross will look into getting tables for us to use. Cherish said she would find out the date of the SAT, then assist Lori in reserving rooms. Finally, Cherish said she would draft up some "promotional materials" and the get approval of the group so they can be sent immediately in January.

Meeting adjourned at 5:20 p.m.