Dear Space Enthusiast,

I would like to thank you for taking the time to browse through the Chapter Starter Kit. It is my sincere hope that you may someday develop a chapter of your own. Thus, this guide has been placed here for your convenience. I also hope that while re ading this, you take to heart the vision of humankind's future endeavours in space!

SEDS-USA is in a rapid growth stage right now to which I am sure you will want to contribute. We are well on track to becoming the world's largest space societies. And remember that you are in a key position to make a valuable contribution to the sp ace program.

I welcome you to the world of SEDS, and have best wishes in all you do toward your goals in space. I hope you decide to join us and hope you keep the SEDS motto in mind as you strive towards your goals in space:

Ad Astra Per Ardua!
To the stars through effort!


Cherish Bauer
SEDS-USA Director of Expansion, 1994

Go to the first section.