Section Six: Programming and Activities



Good programming and activities in the early days of your chapter are essential to your chapter's eventual success. A successful first year of well-planned and executed activities will establish a strong and devoted membership for the group and great er community awareness. This will lead to more exciting activities in the years to come. A team of chapter members assigned to pursue, plan, and schedule these activities is the best way to accomplish good programming for your chapter events. No public ity campaign can boost your chapter's campus visibility more than by having a worthwhile program of activities and events. Doing a job well is the very best form of advertising.

Ideas for Activities and Programs

Image of Astronaut Eugene Trinh

Astronaut Eugene Trinh is a favorite CalSEDS' speaker.

Further Brain Storming

This is by no means a complete list. We encourage you to lead your group in a brain-storming session to come up with new ideas. We'd love to hear any ideas you come up with!

Go to the next section.