Why People Join SEDS

During the 20th century, science-based high technology has infused itself into virtually every facet of human activity. Today, we take for granted conveniences and capabilities that, just fifty years ago, could only be projected in futuristic fantasies, if at all. Numerous devices commonly found in homes today were absolutely infeasible -- at any cost -- a mere half centruy ago. Modern medicine and health rely on capabilities barely conceivable half a century ago. Modern communication -- and the sense of intimate global village that results from the living immediacy with which the world's events are brought to us, whether by television or telephone -- is already at a level exceeding the comic-book fiction of fifty years ago.

Today typical college student has a life expectancy of 50-60 additional years. I anticipate that the advances to come during that time will equal or exceed the advances we have seen during the past half century. High technology, based on profound science, promises continuing extraordinary developments in the next decades.

Among student organizations, SEDS stands out in the degree to which it is geared toward providing participatory, hands-on involvement in advancing technology. Although the prime orientation of SEDS is toward space science and technology, the SEDS program also has a heavy emphasis on information technology, with unusually valuable opportunities for students to gain experience and priceless practical knowledge. This, combined with the emphasis on design and implementation of hardwarre (and software) for rocket flight, and for rocket-borne measurements and telemetry, provides valuable opportunities for students to augment the classroom experiences of college life in ways that will return life-long value and reward.

By Dr. Eugene Levy SEDS Advisor