SpaceViews: Submission Information

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Writing for SpaceViews

What to Submit

SpaceViews encourages submissions on newsworthy space-related topics. We're looking for press releases, news stories, in-depth articles, and other features on topics, including:

  • Current space news
  • Space science projects
  • Future space technologies
  • Space policy
  • News and events from other NSS and SEDS chapters
  • ... and any other related topics

On the other hand, there are some topics for which we aren't interested in publishing articles. They include:

  • UFO/alien articles
  • Conspiracy theories
  • Articles which claim to debunk all of modern physics/astronomy/etc.
  • Technical papers (Although versions of these papers intended for general audiences would be quite acceptible)
  • Any article not obviously related to space

If you have any questions about the topic, size, or other attributes of an article, feel free to contact the editor, Jeff Foust, at While we gladly accept any submissions that conform to the above list of topics, there is no guarantee than any submitted article will appear in any issue of SpaceViews. The editors reserve the right to edit submissions for length, content, spelling/grammar, etc. Given the nature of the publication, we are unfortunately unable to provide payment for any submissions at this time.

How to Submit

The preferred method for article submissions is by e-mail. Send ASCII files or encoded (uuencode or BinHex) files to:

Note: if you're sending a submission as a MIME-encoded file, please direct your submission to:

as the other account does not have access to MIME-compliant tools.

Submissions on disk (3.5", Mac or DOS/Windows format) are also accepted. These disks can be sent to:

c/o Jeff Foust
PO Box 903
Cambridge, MA 02142-0007

If you'd like your disk back, please include a self-addressed stamped mailer. Hardcopy submissions can also be sent to the above address, but are highly discouraged: send hardcopy only as a last resort.

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